
Michael Naro
(CEO, Co-Founder)

Musician. Businessman. Punsmith. Our fearless leader wears many hats. Michael graduated from Samford University's Brock School of Business and played every year in the Samford Jazz ensemble. His fascination with pedals stretches across his 12 years of guitar playing experience. When he's not busy alternate picking 16th notes at 3,762 BPM, he can be found making gainz in the gym and drinking green smoothies. Look for his cheesy shred faces on Instagram:



John Marshall Morrissette
(COO, Co-Founder)

John Marshall is a true renaissance man, proficient in all hobbies ending in "-ing." His favorites include biking, running, hunting, and of course, shredding. On the guitar. Although he's also a paper shredder aficionado. (Shouts out to Office Depot.)



Hunter Longley

Hunter met his OTM business partners and dorky friends while attending Samford University, from which he graduated with a degree in Graphic Design. Of the three, Hunter is the only team member who can't play the guitar. Not even a little bit. Bear this in mind, for he will answer any questions about guitar tech with obtuse references to DragonForce. His design work can be found on and on Instagram:
